Definition of "good"
- adjective
Acting in the interest of good; ethical.
Useful for a particular purpose; functional.
Of food, edible; not stale or rotten.
Of food, having a particularly pleasant taste.
Of food, being satisfying; meeting dietary requirements.
Pleasant; enjoyable.
Of people, competent or talented.
Beneficial; worthwhile.
With "and", extremely.
Reasonable in amount.
Large in amount or size.
- interjection
That is good: an elliptical exclamation of satisfaction or commendation.
- adverb
Well; satisfactorily or thoroughly.
- noun
The forces or behaviors that are the enemy of evil. Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence.
A result that is positive in the view of the speaker.
The abstract instantiation of something qualified by the adjective.
An item of merchandise.
- verb
To thrive; fatten; prosper; improve.
To make good; turn to good; improve.
To make improvements or repairs.
To benefit; gain.
To do good to (someone); benefit; cause to improve or gain.
To satisfy; indulge; gratify.
To flatter; congratulate oneself; anticipate.
To furnish with dung; manure; fatten with manure; fertilise.
- Sources